My Services and Packages

Administrative Tasks

Research and data entry

Email handling: Inbox management

Travel arrangements


Stockist liasing


Light Social Media Marketing

Content Writing (social media captions/emails)

Free value “freebie” content creation assistance

Client Services

Email Communications

Online Events/Courses/Masterclasses support

Community management

Administrative Tasks

Travel arrangements

  • Researching & booking flights, accommodation & transportation.

  • Handling updates/changes.

Research and data entry

  • Internet research. 

  • Retreat venue research. 

  • Podcast guest speaking opportunities. 

  • Travel research.

  • Conducting research on your contemporaries.

  • Organizing and inputting data into documents/ sheets / CMS’. 

Email handling: Inbox management

  • Organizing and setting up an organization system, filing,  prioritizing, and responding to emails.

  • Archiving or deleting irrelevant emails to keep your inbox organized.

  • Managing appointments and tasks based on email communications.

  • Reporting any urgent emails. 


  • Creating invoices

  • Sending invoices out

  • Storing invoices

Stockist liaising

  • Communicating with stockists

  • Organising delivery

  • Managing queries and relationship


Light Instagram Social Media Marketing

  • Hashtag research, scheduling, content ideas, caption writing, light Canva design work, bio optimisation, content plan assistance.  

Content Writing & Editing

  • Writing: Emails & social media captions. 

  • Editing: Emails, social media captions, blog posts, courses, websites, polices.   

Free value “freebie” content creation assistance

  • Support with the creation & execution of it. 

  • Upload meditations to your listening platform(s)

  • A soundboard for your ideas.

Client Services

Email Communications

  • Handling queries

Community Management

  • Answering queriers in group chats

  • Sending out class recordings

  • Posting post call play work

Online Events/Courses/Masterclasses support

  • Downloading & uploading recordings 

  • Setting up the community course space 

  • Sending / scheduling course emails


Packages range from 10, 15, 20 to 30 hours per month for  

a 3 or 6 month period to begin with.

❊ Longterm partnership discounts.

All 8 services included


10 hours

The start of self reunion with 10 Hours of Monthly Support

When I attend to the fertile soil of your business, you get to move away from the weekly input of tasks, assignments and projects that amount to 10 hours of your time monthly.

You get to be available for your mission, what you most enjoy, yourself, your family, sisterhood, seaside walks, dates with creativity and unhurried practices whole-heartedly.

Reclaim 10 hours of open time a month, 10 hours where essential business tasks are cared for by someone who not only shares your values and vision, but attends to your business like it’s her own.


15 hours

A voyage of reconstructing your environment - making the room bigger for joy.

This is where we rearrange your environment, where you reclaim more open time which sets up the conditions suitable for the fruition of your vision(s).

By delegating tasks, assignments and projects you receive 15 hours of open time a month, enough for joy dances and present attendance to your creations, products, offerings, mentorship, courses, mini-minds, masterminds - setting up the conditions for the fruition of your vision(s)


20 hours

Amplifying the audibility of your Spirit  - more spaciousness to truly hear with 20 Hours of Monthly Assistance

Access stillness and spaciousness, access the wisdom and creative bubblings that are asking to come through you for the women you are here to serve.

In devoted work partnership, you take care of the aspects of your business pertaining to your zone of excellence, the reason you created your business in the first place and I care for the administrative and marketing aspects, as well as assist with client services.

Reclaim 20 hours of open time a month to wholly devote yourself to the heart of your business, self nurturance away from business, your partner, your family, sisterhood, travelling, seaside walks, dates with creativity and unhurried practices.


30 hours

Live out your blueprint with 30 Hours of Monthly Support

Values are compasses, sacred energies gifted by the Spirit and there is someone else besides you, devoted to assisting you in living by them.

Your business is a compass, a sacred energy gifted by the Spirit, and you get to move and expand it as your vision asks, with support by your side.

When you channel your focus to your offerings, your creations, the women you lead, to deepening self bonding and exploration, to your partner, your people, your family. What happens?

When you’re guided by a value and you honour it, what happens?

Welcome in 30 hours of open time to fulfil the vision you behold for your precious life.

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© Jordan Macdonald VA  

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